Susanne Karlsson has a degree in Information Technology and a Bachelor in Business Administration, teaching these at university and at college in Finland. She also works as a graphic designer and has been contributing images to a number of microstock sites since 2007. In her spare time she does oil painting (although she states she hasn’t had a lot of time to do that of late…)
Susanne works in a variety of genres; however, she loves vintage flower patterns, and it is her designs inspired by this that appeal to me the most. These designs have simple yet delicate lines and a muted palette. Her lines are strong and gentle at the same time giving them excellent structure, and guiding and drawing my eyes around and through the pattern.
I think her designs would work equally well as wrapping paper or fabric prints, and indeed, I have spotted some being used on the packaging for a sudoku game.
And I so love these last two, they remind me of linoleum floors, in the best possible way.
You can find more of Susanne’s work on Spoonflower at suziedesign, and on Shutterstock.
How do I get more information on acquiring some of this products pictured, as well as information on pricing?
Thank you,
Hi Willie, Susanne has changed the name of her Spoonflower shop to SuzieDesign (and I’ve just updated the info in this blog post to reflect this). You can contact Susanne via her Spoonflower site, Cheers, Julie