Music + pictures 5 : Kooks

Music + pictures {or even more simply, “music pictures”} is a collection of beautiful from around the interwebs while I’m on holidays for January – at the beach, camping, with my family. Have a fab New Year, and I’ll be back on the 1st...

Photography : Antonella Guarracino

Antonella Guarracino is an Italian currently living in Ireland. A recent trip to Sicily, and a walk through the historic markets  of Vucciria and Capo in Palermo yielded these images. She explains, “Vucciria is Palermo’s oldest market and is located in the...

pause for breath

  I’m going to take a little break from my regular posts over the next few days, and spend some time with my beautiful family and friends. I will be back in the new year with lots of handmade goodness. In the mean time, I will be posting a few of my...