Angela Stevens lives in Las Vegas. It sounds wild, but she explains, “It’s a notorious vacation spot yet a quite peaceful place to call home.”

mag-o – beyond black and white
Perhaps the constant busyness does have some effect – Angela’s patterns fill their space with energy, despite their subdued palette. It’s what I like about them; they are eclectic and happy and full of life.
Angela comes across as a busy and eclectic person too. “My creative space is anywhere. I can design at a desk, the kitchen table, my bed, outside, and frequently in a car! There are always ideas swirling around in my head, so my creative space has to be where I am at the moment.”

mag-o – anchors a-weigh
She started on Spoonflower as Mag-O about three years ago. She had always enjoyed sewing and drawing, and wanted to make a dress out of fabric that she had designed herself. “Eventually I found the designing more interesting than the sewing.” She has spent the last three years expanding her textile design skills, undertaking art and computer design classes.

mag-o – sailing in circles
She is relishing the opportunity. Although she worked briefly in the construction industry as an estimator, Angela told me that she spent most of her working life raising her three children.
Her own childhood was filled with wonderful fabrics. “My mother was ALWAYS sewing something – draperies, quilts, clothes, and numerous wedding gowns – always as a favor, never for profit. I inherited her love of creating beautiful things just for the sake of creating.”

mag-o – sand dollar and starfish
“My business name “Mag-O” comes from one of my favorite books, “Magnificent Obsession” by Lloyd Douglas. A 1929 cliche romance, the books infers that one will expand their own awareness, and success with their endeavors by selflessly helping other people.”

mag-o – the smoking gun

mag-o – unfortunato
Her favourite piece of advice?
“If things aren’t right in the end, then you are not at the end.”
You can find more of Angela’s work in her Spoonflower shop, Mag-O.