We’re up to video #4 for rebranding tractorgirl – go me! I’ve been having lots of fun working stuff out – including working out how to edit video, which has been so very useful. And I still get butterflies about actually doing the video in the first place, but the ONLY way to get better is to practice, right!?
Let’s look at today’s content.
So once you’ve got your colours and fonts sorted (peeps on my special Rebrand list will already have had the reveal on where tractorgirl’s going with this ;D ) – now it’s time to add in the finishing touches (which my peeps will also already have seen!). I start this video with two of my very favouritest quotes from the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe –
“Less is more”
“God is in the details”
They’re NOT contradictory statements – it’s all about getting to the essentials of what you want to express.
As I say, your graphic design fundamentals (they are ESSENTIAL) are Alignment, Hierarchy, and Negative Space. PLEASE consider them each and every time you lay out any of your visual stuff – website, business card, brochures, social media posts, memes, … EVERYTHING. To ignore these things is doing you damage. OOOOH! It totally gets me ranty.
Get your audience concentrating on your message, not the mess.
Right! Now I’ve got that off my chest, I wanted to let you know that I’ve got one more video to go – it’ll be the wrap up of the rebrand, and I’ll be sharing my thoughts on the whole process, as well as winners of my meme comp (if you’re on my Rebrand list, all the details are in my last newsletters and you’ve only got until MIDNIGHT TONIGHT to enter), and I’ll announcing some special offers on conjunction with the rebrand!
Stay tuned.
Julie x
(p.s. As always, if you’ve got any questions, comments, suggestions, anything {and TOTALLY include a link to your site and ask for feedback}, pop a comment below. I’d love to hear!)
Such a great video 🙂 Some really handy hints in here.
thanks so much Sam! Sad websites with poor alignment and overcrowded layouts get me ranty 😉