Gorgeous photography from Pippi, in the Northwest USA.





Pippi lives in the Pacific Northwest in the United States, a unique area where it rains nine months out of the year, evergreen trees tower, and the moss is aplenty. There is always a fun place to explore with the kids. These pictures were taken on a hike last Fall, where Pippi and her family encountered mossy water, golden-hued leaves, giant toadstools, and a perfectly serene lake.

Pippi has three children, and is married to her college sweetheart. She adores lipstick, and red licorice.  She describes herself as a friendly chatterbox who is opinionated and dorky, and perennially pesky!

Pippi blogs about family and life, and how it all fits together (or not!). You can find her at http://peskypippi.com/, and on twitter @PeskyPippi.