Based on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Julie Emmerson is making her mark in the world of pattern. And just like her location, her patterns are filled with sunshine too – bright colours, simple shapes and warmth.

emmerson – vintage spring
After a long career in graphic design, she says it was a natural progression. “Creatives are always looking for new ways to express themselves and learn so for me, exploring the freedom of drawing, painting and digital design then converting it to pattern has been my next step. I started approx 3 years ago, have sold patterns through my US agent and my dream is to have my own ongoing signature line of products sold worldwide and to also teach up and coming designers.”

julie emmerson – indian summer

julie emmerson – cutesy flowers
Having that career background with constant hands-on in Photoshop and Illustrator has meant that some parts of the new career direction come easily and naturally – but not everything. “Understanding colour and loads of other technical skills have been helpful when designing, and knowing Photoshop and Illustrator have been invaluable in creating patterns and product mockups.”
“But Accounts … Web Coding … Marketing … these things make my eyes glaze over. My brain just switches off. When I do eventually tackle these things, I take a deep breath and get it over and done with. I leave my End of Year finances with my accountant and everything in between I manage myself, albeit grudgingly. Coding for my website makes my head spin so I outsource this and I am still pushing through with consistency in marketing. I’m quite shy so it’s a challenge for me to promote my designs and products on all the social media platforms but I’m getting better.”

julie emmerson – springtime buttercups
She’s received recognition for her work already – design sales through a US agent, as well as subtantial sales of artwork locally, and she says that that acknowledgement of her skills and style has been really important for her. But her sights are set higher still – her desire is to secure a licensing deal with a manufacturer of globally distributed products.
Fortunately, fear of high places is not an issue for her – in fact, it’s quite the opposite. For real. Julie explains, “I experience “High Place Phenomenon”, not a fear of heights but the opposite, a desire to jump … be it a plane, hot air balloon, high building… Don’t worry, I’m not crazy! It’s more common than you think. Authors of a study on “high place phenomenon” at Florida State University’s psychology department concluded that this feeling is a positive trait implying “an urge to jump affirms the urge to live.” and this definitely sums up how I feel about life.”

julie emmerson – secret flowers
Her best piece of advice? “One thing I have always missed in life is a mentor to guide me careerwise, so I have sought advice through friends, family and various books and online resources. The best advice that resonates with me in relation to my creative journey is from Steven Pressfield in The War of Art. ‘The more important a project is to your soul’s evolution, the more resistance you will feel to it.’ ”
You can find more of Julie’s designs on her website,