OK OK OK. Well I reckon that if I’ve got a Pinterest board called “Love a good succulent“, than you can safely assume that hey, I don’t mind the odd cactus. The shapes and colours are pretty incredible – I love their chunkiness, their strange shapes and their spectacular flowers. (Go on, check out my Pinterest board and you’ll see why!)
But how does all of that translate into craft and surface design? Like most trends, there’s some total fabulosity, and there’s some goddamn-awfulness. But you know, I reckon that cactuses (or cacti if you prefer) are one of a select group of motifs that seem to hold their own in other mediums – it wasn’t hard at all to find great stuff on Etsy and Pinterest.
Yeah, I probs don’t need a cactus cushion for my couch, or a cactus nightlight for my bedroom either – but they sure look fun. What do you think?
{click on the pics for the links to original sources}

cactus mobile – mimoproject.etsy.com

cactus cushion – cushbarcelona.etsy.com

crochet pattern – vliegendehollander.etsy.com

cactus nightlight – trehousestainedglass.etsy.com

winter cactus – frameless on society6

illustration – geffenrefaeli.etsy.com

cactus – yoga top – simkasol.etsy.com
Oh, and I could wear this cactus top when I’m feeling particularly spiky. Watch out kids!! ;D
Julie x
For me it’s not always the subject matter that hot or not, it’s how it’s done. ALthough I think everything here has it’s charm, my favourites here are: the winter cactus print is stunning and the mobile and cushions are fun… but I do have a bias towards blocks of colour and more graphic work.
Got it in one Suzanne!! it is ABSOLUTELY how it’s done. I guess though when you’re talking trends, there are designs and there are designs, and not everything is well thought through. Perhaps cactuses attract thinking people ;D