How adventurous are you with condiments? Have you ever had kasoundi? It’s spicy and earthy, made with mustard and chilli, tomatoes, garlic and ginger. Let me tell you: I love it.

Many, many years ago I lived in a share house with Mike, whose Mum was a fabulous cook. After one of his regular visits to his parents’ place in Melbourne, Mike arrived back in Wagga with this little gem. I knew nothing about kasoundi up until that point.

It was divine; we had it with roasted meat, grilled steak, many varieties of sausages (my partner has a sausage obsession – but that’s another story). Then we moved onto the curries. Meals were regularly based around the question “What goes with kasoundi?” We’ve moved on a bit from there, but we still think it’s delicious.

Generously, his Mum shared the recipe with us, and here, I share it with you.



Mike’s Mum’s tomato kasoundi

100g mustard seed
100g turneric
100g cumin
100g dried chillies
500g garlic
500g ginger
250ml oil
500ml malt vinegar
2.5kgs tomatoes
3-4 tspns salt to taste
2 tspns sugar (depending on tomatoes)

Chop ginger and garlic in the food processor; add spices to blend. Fry mixture for 1 minute in the oil. Chop tomatoes in the food processor, add to pot with vinegar. Cook over a very low heat 1 hour; store in sterilised bottles.