I was at the checkout of the supermarket the other day, when the lady behind commented on my 5kg bag of flour.

You mean you make your own BREAD?” was the half-horrified, half-awed whisper.

Bread has been a fundamental food for so many societies for so long. People from all walks of life, of all skill levels, have made this basic and beautiful food for millennia, so don’t be scared to try. Of course it’s easy. Really, it’s SO easy.


You need:
4 cups of baker’s flour
3 teaspoons dry yeast
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
warm water – somewhere between 1 1/2 cups and 1 2/3 cups (depends a bit on the flour)



Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl with your hands, turn out onto a lightly floured bench and knead the dough for 10-15 minutes. Really push it around with the heels of your hands, until it is a very smooth and elastic ball. Leave it covered in a warm place until it is about doubled in size (you can either use baking paper, or a floured teatowel to cover – they won’t stick).



Turn out onto the floured bench again, knead it a second time, then shape it into a loaf and put it on its baking tray. You can be creative and shape it into rolls or a plait if you like. Leave it to rise again for another 1/2 hour or so before baking it in a moderate oven for around 40 minutes, until it is lightly browned and crusty.

Let it cool on a wire rack before trying to slice it.



I know there are much more specific instructions that I could have included. For the dedicated breadmakerĀ there are a squillion variations andĀ nuances to learn.

But really, you don’t need them.


Julie X