Photography : John Shepherd

John Shepherd grew up with Life magazine in the house. “Sometime in high school, I saw depression era (1930s) Farm Securities Adm. photos in a museum. I somehow recognized that the compositions were beautiful but the people and their belongings were fascinating...

Photography : Margaux Kent – TheBlackSpotBooks

Margaux Kent is a free soul, open to many things : journeys by boat, adventures in foreign lands, investigating the abandoned buildings of others, and the sea. It seems she travels through life with one eye roving the past for lost treasures, the other seeking out...

Photography : Kathryn Hooper {Dallape Chant}

  Bleached by sun, stripped to core elements, Kathryn Hooper’s photography is a testament to her understanding of the beauty inherent in the harshness of rural landscape. Standing solo or clustered in groups with a skin like patchwork, these sheds face the...

Surface design : Felicity Booth

  Felicity Booth is an artist and surface designer who has worked in a wildly varied collection of jobs, including in her “hippy chick”days when she worked as a caterer at music festivals, and then wrote a guide book while on archaeological digs in...