Raven Jumpo teaches graphic design and advertising at a private college in Kuala Lumpur. But just about every available free slot she has at work is filled with designing patterns. Her desk is crowded with Spoonflower colour charts, sketchbooks, cutting mats, mechanical pencils and class timetables.

raven jumpo – yellow lehua
Raven stumbled onto fabric design when she was looking around for some online design competitions around 2009. “I entered Spoonflower’s weekly design challenge to see how well (or badly) I would do. My first entry was a total miss. But my second entry got me into the top 10! I have been hooked on fabric pattern design ever since.”
Initially spending her energies entering Spoonflower’s weekly design challenges, Raven discovered that often she was entering sub-par work, just to meet a deadline. It started to rankle, and she decided to ease back. “Now I’ve started to pace myself, to spend more time getting inspiration and to work on my art. This, I realized, allows me to inject more of my own experiences and memories into my designs.” The results are substantially more satisfying.

raven jumpo – grey damask

ravenous – moroccan damask

ravenous – fried circles – minty peach

ravenous – mod fronds
Now she says the most exciting part is having other designers commenting on and liking them! She is also very excited about having designs available through Deny Designs and Society6 – “I’m so buzzed that somebody out there actually has pillows and bedsheets and even wallpaper with my designs on them!”
Having worked as a teacher for four years, and as a commercial graphic designer in advertising for 10 years before that has been the biggest influence on her method and style. Adaptable and eclectic, her work covers a range of styles with bright and whimsical populated with flowers, animals and cute monsters. But where her work really shines is in abstract vectors, influenced by her Malaysian/Indonesian culture, mixed up with mid-century style.

ravenous – moroccan circles

ravenous – adobe tiles
Her best piece of advice comes from her father, who told her “Don’t waste time.”
She also loves B-grade movies, and is irked that her husband doesn’t.
You can find more of Raven’s designs on her Spoonflower shop, ravenous.
her designs are gorgeous – I especially love that first one