Hellooo and welcome to Part 2 of Rebranding tractorgirl. I’m feeling slightly more comfortable this week (although it’s still a bit of a wrench!) and it only took me 40 or so takes for this 5 minute video. (And I won’t tell you how long it took me to upload it onto Youtube. Aaaah, tech is fun.)
So without further ado, I’d like to take you through the other two pillars of your branding – your product and its Point of Difference (POD), and your customer.
The newsletter is just about to be sent… and in it, I go into more depth about each of these areas, AND I share more pages from inside my own branding notebooks – yep, real photos of unedited, slightly messy text, all about my ideal customer (is it you?) Haha! It’s the real deal. Want to see? Email #2 will be sent in about 9 hours’ time, so get onto it here (not to mention you get a chance of winning one of two 1:1 coaching packages, and other goodies). Ready set go!
See you next week.
Julie x