Stormy landscapes, windy days and delicate floral textures. All of these and more feature in Vicky of VictoriaEnglishCharm’s eclectic collection of photographs.

There are also many beautifully textured images of hair. I asked her about this apparent obsession. “Maybe… it’s because I have naturally very curly hair (spirals), which has always been the feature people have always noticed about me. So maybe I have always noticed peoples hair; I love the way the wind blows it, the way the sun shines on it and shows the different colours and tones….. Yeah, I could probably fill my shop with hair photography!”


victoriaenglishcharm - golden

victoriaenglishcharm – golden


Vicky told me she first studied floristry at college, which she credits with giving her a love of colour and structure. It was only after children and the responsibilities that they bring that she became more focused on photography and capturing the beauty in the everyday. Her ‘everyday’ includes the place where she lives; a very flat part of England called The Fens, which is mostly farmland – and it forms the backdrop to many of her images.


victoriaenglishcharm - summer daze

victoriaenglishcharm – summer daze


When she’s not parenting or taking photographs, she spends her time listening to music, knitting, sewing, felting and more recently screen printing. Of her childhood experiences she says “My Nan, Mum and Aunts were all very “handy”, sewing cooking, knitting etc… Mum made her own clothes, and mine too when I was a child. I wish I had taken the time to learn from her, as I now love sewing, but lack the technical skills. I also try to learn new crafts with my daughters, as I want them to know there are always new and exciting things to try.”


victoriaenglishcharm - stormy

victoriaenglishcharm – stormy


victoriaenglishcharm - still waters

victoriaenglishcharm – still waters


She still remembers the very first time she sold something on Etsy, “The fact that someone liked my picture enough to pay money for it and display it in their home…. I still actually get this feeling whenever I sell a print!”


victoriaenglishcharm - slumber

victoriaenglishcharm – slumber


victoriaenglishcharm - tone on tone

victoriaenglishcharm – tone on tone


“I am lucky to have the freedom to do as I wish each day; I wake up and look out of the window each morning and am glad to be alive and that the world is still spinning.”


victoriaenglishcharm - home landscape at the Fens

victoriaenglishcharm – home landscape at the Fens


You can find more of Vicky’s work at victoriaenglishcharm on Etsy.