Like so many small business, I’m a one-person show, and most days I need all the help I can get staying focused. Motivation needs refreshing often, as it’s incredibly easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day of stuff that needs to be done.
When you have your own biz, there is ALWAYS more to do than you have time for, and as you keep juggling, you start to lose sight of the reasons you’re doing what you do. (And no, it’s not all about money.)
That’s why I’m going HERE!
The Artful Business Conference is all about education and inspiration, aimed specifically at those people working in art, design and craft industries. There will be eight speakers from around the globe, all covering different aspects of building a biz, including the fab Jessika Hepburn from Oh My! Handmade Goodness, Shayne Tilley marketing guru, and Karen Gunton from Build A Little Biz.
It’s an interactive virtual summit, and I for one am incredibly excited about attending! As a biz going solo, learning about marketing, money and motivation from those who know what they’re talking about can only be a good thing.
The event is streamed live online September 3rd and 4th, and tickets start at at $99. If you grab a Gold or Premium Pass you get 6 months access to all the sessions so you can come back and watch them in your own time – excellent for cementing all those great ideas in your head!
You can find out more information here, at the ArtfulBusinessConference website. Hope to see you there!
Cheers, Julie
* Note: This is is an affiliate post, which means I do receive a fee for sales generated through this post. However, I would NEVER promote anything I don’t believe in, and I truly think this is a great opportunity for small biz operators to meet, learn and grow. See you there!