Music + pictures {or even more simply, “music pictures”} is a collection of beautiful from around the interwebs while I’m on holidays for January – at the beach, camping, with my family.

It was hard coming up with my favourite music for 2014, because it seems none of the good stuff has film clips, and probably more to the point, the popular stuff wasn’t that good (or maybe I’m just over pop music). Call me old and fussy.

There were a few bright lights though. Asgeir’s Going Home is one.



I was going to mix it up and show you a variety of things to go with this clip; but when I found Hilde Janich first up, it just seemed to fit.

Hilde lives and works in Essen, Germany, and constructs her jewellery from dyed parchment and pearls. I love her gentle rhythms and sweet colours, like fallen leaves floating in a magical circle.

You can find more of her work on her own site,



Hilde Janich - necklace

Hilde Janich – necklace


Hilde Janich - necklace

Hilde Janich – necklace


Hilde Janich - necklace

Hilde Janich – necklace


Hilde Janich - necklace

Hilde Janich – necklace


Hilde Janich - necklace

Hilde Janich – necklace