You’re fuelled by a sense of purpose.
You know you can make the world a better place.
But somehow, you know you could be connecting with your customers better.
That’s where I come in.
Let’s build your brand beautifully

What’s new on the blog?
10 questions to ask yourself before rebranding
Am I just bored, or is my current branding REALLY dragging me down? Does it radiate who I am? Is this going to be a BIG rebrand, or just a tweak? What are my competitors doing? Who is my current audience, and am I intending to change that? Does it relate to my...
What’s the PURPOSE of your visuals?
What's the REAL purpose of your visuals?It's definitely not just about looking pretty.Looking pretty is all fine and good, and having good-looking graphics is definitely something you need to aim for. BUT, business graphics are about communication, first and foremost....
Choosing fonts is not just “whatever you like”. Here’s how to do it properly
Choosing fonts:After teaching people how to use Canva for more than two and a half years, I've come across more people than I care to remember that just choose whatever font they feel like on the day to create the graphics for their business with. That's a big fat NO...