Do you have kids? What a cute book this is! It’s a bunch of fun activities for kids from age 4 up, based on some of the Surrealist’s most famous methods of creating art. It also gives a brief introduction to some of the most well-known Surrealist artists, such as Dali, Breton, Ernst and Tzara.
Now I have tested this book out on my own kids – an 8 year old girl, and twin 6 year old boys – and I can say the very most fun one was the Decalcomania – turning inkblots into images by drawing onto and around them (you can see a couple of examples on the bookcover image above). Dogs, tractors, fairies, witches houses and scary monsters all featured!
The kids loved it. We haven’t tried all the activities, but I think most of them are suitable for most ages. However, I do think some would be enjoyed more by children older than mine, especially the text-based ones.
Overall, some great games to play, easy to organise and easy to do, and good to remember for years – frottage and Exquisite Corpse will never lose their freshness.
Highly recommended.
Published by the Queensland Art Gallery / Gallery of Modern Art, Children’s Art Centre. ISBN 9781921503344