“I am a reader, a writer, a photographer and a mother to 4 beautiful
children: Molly, Jacob & Findlay and Pete.

Photography has been a hobby of mine since 2007 when I give birth to
twin boys Jacob & Findlay. To our great shock and sadness Findlay was
stillborn at delivery.  I picked up the camera in response to the
overwhelming grief that I felt at the loss of our precious son.
Beyond that first year I discovered I love photography and that it is
a wonderful way of using my creative side which doesn’t require the
intensity (always) that sitting down to write demands.

Earlier this year I took a series of photographs of letterboxes in our
area. In the back of my mind were thoughts about mail and the lack of
now we are in a digital age and that perhaps one day we won’t even
have a letterbox in front of our houses. I also love the way people
individualise a utilitarian object.”

You can find Rebecca on Twitter – @Becs

and find some of her writing and more photographs on her blog.

Rebecca lives and works in New Zealand.