Music + pictures {or even more simply, “music pictures”} is a collection of beautiful from around the interwebs while I’m on holidays for January – at the beach, camping, with my family.

Have a fab New Year, and I’ll be back on the 1st February.
{p.s. I’ve just joined Instagram, so if you’d like to find out a bit more about me and where I live (and holiday!), I’d love for you to come and join me. I’m at tractorgirlmakes.}



Driven to the edge, full of fear and hope and yearning for what you can’t have.

alt-J ~ Hunger of the Pine.





blossom via

blossom via

{via here}


original butterfly by jonathon mccabe

original butterfly by jonathan mccabe

{via here}


little houses by freekhand via society6

little houses by freekhand via society6

{via here}


waves via

waves via

{via here}


{unknown artist via tumblr}

{unknown artist via tumblr}